Welcome to my portfolio website!

Hey folks, I'm
Al Mohaimin Farabi Web Dveloper (MERN) React Developer

Building a successful website is a challenge. I am highly energetic develop interactive Website.

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My Car

My Car is a car buying website. It has Admin page where admin can do CRUD oprations. Authentication was done using google-filebase.Implemented React Router for routing. Visit My Car GitHub Repository for more details.


Red Onion

Red Onion is a E-Food webapp which is made using ReactJS. User Can search food acording to there choice. It has a beautiful login || SingUp page. Login & singUp prosess was done using Google-Firebase.



Shikhun.net is a pure React E-Learnig website. It has routing feture. After buying any course user will be redirect to success page. This website is fully responsive for mobile and tablet

HTML / HTML5 & CSS 90%

Javascript 60%

React 70%

Express 60%

MongoDB 33%

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